Diamonds lovers

As we all know, diamonds are a girl's best friend, but why are these little, sparkling rocks so precious and in demand?

An allotrope of carbon, the diamond is probably the most sought after rock, giving pleasure to those who possess one and extravagance to those who sell them on. The diamond inherited their name from the Greek word adamas, meaning invincible, and as the hardest known natural mineral to be found in the world they have certainly earnt this reputation.
When the diamonds are found they look like tiny, shiny rocks; they can be found in Africa and Brazil (49% originate from here) but have also been mined in Australia, Russia, India and even Canada. Originally adventurers and pioneers would seek this precious material which would bring them great wealth, but as their popularity increased and a market was created for this well sought after jewel, the rock is mined more industriously by large companies.